When you're considering a residential window replacement, one of the choices you'll be faced with is whether or not the windows will be two-toned or all one color. Before you can make a final decision, you must first consider the advantages as well as disadvantages. Weighing all the factors will help you make an informed and intelligent decision.
Know What You're Talking About
Homeowners considering whether or not to get two-toned window replacement will need to know what parts of the window are in question and where the different tones will be. The parts of the window as seen from the outside can generally be broken down into three visible pieces:
- Casing. This is the part of the window that includes the sill and all the outer-most parts of the window.
- Sash. This is the inner-most part of the window. The sash is the part of the window that holds the glass in place.
- Trim. This is the part of the window located inside the casing but outside the sash, in the middle.
Usually when a window is two-toned, this means that the sash is one color, while the casing and trim are a separate color. The trim and casing will appear to be one big piece, while the sash will appear separate, because it is a distinctly different color. The two colors are visible from inside of the house as well as the outside.
Pros and Cons of Two Toned
Two-toned windows have advantages as well as disadvantages. Two-toned windows can be striking and beautiful. The inner tone acts like an accent on your home's facade, highlighting the presence of your windows and allowing you to incorporate additional colors into your overall design. Two-toned windows can also be matched to colors on your home's exterior that might otherwise be ignored, like the color of the roof. By matching the windows to the roof or the gutters, you create a more cohesive, mature color scheme for your home.
Still, there are downsides to two-toned colors. For windows that are made of vinyl or another synthetic, non-wood material, the biggest disadvantage is the permanence of the color. Wooden windows can always be painted a different color if the exterior of the home is changed. However, vinyl windows and other non-wood window materials are generally not painted and will remain the same color throughout the life of the window.
You can avoid problems by selecting two neutral colors (brown, white, cream, gray, or black) instead of non-neutrals. Neutral colors can easily be matched to a variety of hues, which will give you the most flexibility if you decide to change the color of your home in the future.
Making a Decision
Look at samples and consult with a residential contractor before making your final decision. Your contractor will be able to show you the types of colors that are available. He or she should also be able to show you examples of the types of windows that you're considering and how the windows would look in two tones as well as one. Take your time as you consider the possibilities. It's a big decision that you'll be living with for many years to come.
For more information, contact Zephyr Aluminum Renewal by Andersen or a similar company.